About Us

Just a bunch of gamers based in Southern Oregon with a passion for tabletop RPGs. Come join us on our adventures and antics!

Wednesday, October 31, 2018

The Valley of Famine Episode 3: Grave Robbers

The season turns...

The hot month of  August draws slowly to a close.  The time for Harvest approaches and the thought of work and toil remains on folk's minds.  In the midst of all this, the posse nurses their wounds, recover, and try to go back to their more or less normal lives.  However, there is no rest for the wicked, as they so often say, and trouble of a new sort comes rolling into town.

...or rather fails to, because the stagecoach, carrying an Iron Dragon VIP, is late and it's up to these four heroes to figure out what happened to it!

Joining us tonight is:
Ben as the Marshal
Rosemary as Deputy Rachel Jane Kennedy, the hexslinger,
Ed as Daisy "Railin'" Gilmore, the new scientist,
Austin as Macario the Payaso, the rodeo clown,
and Nick S as Haru Matsuhara, the samurai

Sunday, October 28, 2018

Deadlands Reloaded Episode 13: Agents and Rangers

The undead of Bayou Vermillion and Louisiana Pacific and the mysterious war machines have been dealt with.  Victory, however, comes at a high cost as most of the posse is injured and even Cain lies dead.  Our heroes aren't done yet though, because Marshal James Burton needs them to rescue his family from one last automoton.

Joining us tonight is:

Dave B as the Marshal
Ed as Eric Gunther, Texas Ranger,
Rosemary as Dr. Mikayla Thorfield, the Mad Scientist,
and Ben as James Burton, the Railhead Marshal. 

Wednesday, October 17, 2018

The Valley of Famine Episode 2: The Black Skull

The shadows grow long, summer nigh gone...

The posse plunges deep into the dark forests of the Rogue Valley in pursuit of the bandits who attacked the circus.  Will they successfully detain the outlaws and recover the skull?  Will they even make it out of those forbidding woods themselves?

Joining us is:
Ben as the Marshal
Rosemary as Deputy Rachel Jane Kennedy, the hexslinger,
Ed as Daisy "Railin'" Gilmore, the new scientist,
Austin as Macario the Payaso, the rodeo clown,
and Nick S as Haru Matsuhara, the samurai

Thursday, October 11, 2018

The Valley of Famine Episode 1: Mordecai Zamenhof's Imaginarium of Wonder and Terror

The year is 1884, but the history is not our own...
Summer is coming to a close in the Rogue Valley and it will soon be time for the harvest!  Tempers grow short as the daily toil continues without break but a diversion soon presents itself.  The circus has come to town!

Joining us in this episode:

Ben as the Marshal,
Rosemary as Deputy Rachel Jane Kennedy, the hexslinger,
Ed as Daisy "Railin'" Gilmore, the new scientist,
Austin as Macario the Payaso, the rodeo clown,
and Nick S as Haru Matsuhara, the samurai