About Us

Just a bunch of gamers based in Southern Oregon with a passion for tabletop RPGs. Come join us on our adventures and antics!

Wednesday, December 26, 2018

Valley of Famine Episode 10: Midnight Train To Hell

In dark of night, bringing terror's fright,
thirsting for blood fresh from the vein,
comes the Night Train!

As the posse tries to recover from their battle with the Reaper and the wounds they sustained, both physical and emotional, a terrible horror unlike any they've faced before makes its way towards the Rogue Valley.  Standing side by side with allies both old and new, will they prevail?
Ben as the Marshal
Rosemary as Deputy Rachel Jane Kennedy, the hexslinger,
Ed as "Railin'" Daisy Gilmore, the new scientist,
Austin as Macario the Payaso, the rodeo clown,
and Nick S as Haru Matsuhara, the samurai
and Special Guest: Trisha as Chen Mei, the Iron Dragon "Troubleshooter"

Wednesday, December 19, 2018

Valley of Famine Episode 9: Fear the Reaper

Through the rotting fields dance Hunger's servants

Our heroes band together once more to take on the horrors that threaten the Rogue Valley.  This time, they go to The Willows to try in search of any leads that will help them find the missing farm hands.  Will they still be standing when the Reaper comes?
Ben as the Marshal
Rosemary as Deputy Rachel Jane Kennedy, the hexslinger,
Ed as "Railin'" Daisy Gilmore, the new scientist,
Austin as Macario the Payaso, the rodeo clown,
and Nick S as Haru Matsuhara, the samurai

Wednesday, December 12, 2018

Valley of Famine Episode 8: Revelations

Wolves howl in the night, the frost comes

The posse returns to Jacksonville, beaten but victorious, hoping that life will return to normal.  Yet danger still looms over the Rogue Valley as hired help continues to go missing and the farmers and ranchers grow angry.  And in the midst of all this, the heroes learn that one of their closest allies may not entirely be what he claims to be...
Ben as the Marshal
Rosemary as Deputy Rachel Jane Kennedy, the hexslinger,
Ed as "Railin'" Daisy Gilmore, the new scientist,
Austin as Macario the Payaso, the rodeo clown,
and Nick S as Haru Matsuhara, the samurai

Wednesday, December 5, 2018

Valley of Famine Episode 7: Lao-Yaina

The battle is fought anew, once betwixt Sky and Below-World, now by mortals and spirits...
The posse has summoned the spirit of Llao, slain god of the Below-World, and he is not pleased to say the least!  Will the heroes survive their first encounter with the truly unnatural?
Ben as the Marshal
Rosemary as Deputy Rachel Jane Kennedy, the hexslinger,
Ed as "Railin'" Daisy Gilmore, the new scientist,
Austin as Macario the Payaso, the rodeo clown,
and Nick S as Haru Matsuhara, the samurai
and Special Guest: Trisha as Chen Mei, the Iron Dragon "Troubleshooter"

Sunday, November 25, 2018

Chilling Tales of Horror and Borscht Episode 1: Beets and Balls

The year is 1895 and wicked things stalk the dark places of the world.  All that stands between the abominations and the innocent is a secret order of men and women.  They wage an invisible war against the ravenous and vile beasts that would tear civilization asunder.  Their warriors come from all walks of life, scientists, clergy, soldiers, thieves, and scholars.  

They are monster hunters...

They are the Rippers...

Our story of Victorian gothic terror begins on the streets of London, the heart of the British Empire, where evil haunts the cobble streets and lurks in dark alleys.  A team of Rippers, drawn from very diverse origins, is formed to confront a threat to an old noble family of England, and a long time friend to the Rippers.

Rosemary as the Game Master
Amanda as Lady Amelia, the Black Cat, a Masked Crusader
Gabriel as Jane Lorde, the American,
Austin as Archer Burls, the Smuggler,
and Ben as Kazimir Lipowitz, the Borscht Peddler

Wednesday, November 21, 2018

Valley of Famine Episode 6: Giiwas

Go to Giiwas, to the head of Llao.  There face his spirit and bring peace to the forest...
The posse heads out for Crater Lake on a mystical quest to slay an evil spirit of Klamath legend and help Deputy Kennedy finally get her injuries healed.  They head out into the brooding forest, but the ancient woods do not suffer their presence quietly.  Will they even make it to the rim of sacred Giiwas?
Ben as the Marshal
Rosemary as Deputy Rachel Jane Kennedy, the hexslinger,
Ed as "Railin'" Daisy Gilmore, the new scientist,
Austin as Macario the Payaso, the rodeo clown,
and Nick S as Haru Matsuhara, the samurai
and Special Guest: Trisha as Chen Mei, the Iron Dragon "Troubleshooter"

Wednesday, November 14, 2018

Valley of Famine Episode 5: Dreams and Portents

Though I walk in the shadow of the valley of Plenty, I shall forever hunger...
Summer is gone and Autumn now rests upon the Rogue Valley.  The harvest is now in full swing and the storehouses begin to fill as settler prepare for the coming winter.  Yet all is not well in the valley.  Tensions between farmers and ranchers rise as hired help vanishes without a trace.  The Iron Dragon executive, Sheng Jin, has stayed long past his scheduled inspection of the railroad.  Just as the days begin to grow short, so too do tempers.
Joining us this session is:

Ben as the Marshal
Rosemary as Deputy Rachel Jane Kennedy, the hexslinger,
Ed as "Railin'" Daisy Gilmore, the new scientist,
Austin as Macario the Payaso, the rodeo clown,
and Nick S as Haru Matsuhara, the samurai
and Special Guest: Trisha as Chen Mei, the Iron Dragon "Troubleshooter"

Wednesday, November 7, 2018

Valley of Famine Episode 4: Lazarus Blacke

Leaves red, gold brown, 
Forest without a sound...

The posse pursues the bandits responsible for the attack on the stagecoach.  Riding with them in order to clear his name is the very suspected Jonathan Graves.  Danger lurks in these woods, however, and something menacing watches from the trees...
Joining us tonight is:
Ben as the Marshal
Rosemary as Deputy Rachel Jane Kennedy, the hexslinger,
Ed as "Railin'" Daisy Gilmore, the new scientist,
Austin as Macario the Payaso, the rodeo clown,
and Nick S as Haru Matsuhara, the samurai

Wednesday, October 31, 2018

The Valley of Famine Episode 3: Grave Robbers

The season turns...

The hot month of  August draws slowly to a close.  The time for Harvest approaches and the thought of work and toil remains on folk's minds.  In the midst of all this, the posse nurses their wounds, recover, and try to go back to their more or less normal lives.  However, there is no rest for the wicked, as they so often say, and trouble of a new sort comes rolling into town.

...or rather fails to, because the stagecoach, carrying an Iron Dragon VIP, is late and it's up to these four heroes to figure out what happened to it!

Joining us tonight is:
Ben as the Marshal
Rosemary as Deputy Rachel Jane Kennedy, the hexslinger,
Ed as Daisy "Railin'" Gilmore, the new scientist,
Austin as Macario the Payaso, the rodeo clown,
and Nick S as Haru Matsuhara, the samurai

Sunday, October 28, 2018

Deadlands Reloaded Episode 13: Agents and Rangers

The undead of Bayou Vermillion and Louisiana Pacific and the mysterious war machines have been dealt with.  Victory, however, comes at a high cost as most of the posse is injured and even Cain lies dead.  Our heroes aren't done yet though, because Marshal James Burton needs them to rescue his family from one last automoton.

Joining us tonight is:

Dave B as the Marshal
Ed as Eric Gunther, Texas Ranger,
Rosemary as Dr. Mikayla Thorfield, the Mad Scientist,
and Ben as James Burton, the Railhead Marshal. 

Wednesday, October 17, 2018

The Valley of Famine Episode 2: The Black Skull

The shadows grow long, summer nigh gone...

The posse plunges deep into the dark forests of the Rogue Valley in pursuit of the bandits who attacked the circus.  Will they successfully detain the outlaws and recover the skull?  Will they even make it out of those forbidding woods themselves?

Joining us is:
Ben as the Marshal
Rosemary as Deputy Rachel Jane Kennedy, the hexslinger,
Ed as Daisy "Railin'" Gilmore, the new scientist,
Austin as Macario the Payaso, the rodeo clown,
and Nick S as Haru Matsuhara, the samurai

Thursday, October 11, 2018

The Valley of Famine Episode 1: Mordecai Zamenhof's Imaginarium of Wonder and Terror

The year is 1884, but the history is not our own...
Summer is coming to a close in the Rogue Valley and it will soon be time for the harvest!  Tempers grow short as the daily toil continues without break but a diversion soon presents itself.  The circus has come to town!

Joining us in this episode:

Ben as the Marshal,
Rosemary as Deputy Rachel Jane Kennedy, the hexslinger,
Ed as Daisy "Railin'" Gilmore, the new scientist,
Austin as Macario the Payaso, the rodeo clown,
and Nick S as Haru Matsuhara, the samurai

Sunday, September 30, 2018

Deadlands Reloaded Episode 12: Cleaning Up Railhead

Alexander Smith, the vampiric rep of the Bayou Vermillion railroad company is dead!  But the posse's work isn't done in Railhead just yet.  The Lousiana Pacific warehouse still stands, and there's no telling who else is in on the smuggling operations going on.

Joining us tonight for Deadlands is:
Dave B as the Marshal
Ed as Eric Gunther, the Texas Ranger,
JJ as Bodaway, the Apache Blessed,
Austin as Quentin Bee, the Rocket Warrior,
Lance as Aritomo Nakimura, the Enlightened Samurai,
Rosemary as Dr. Mikayla Thornfield, the increasingly Mad Scientist,
and Ben as Cain Rose, the Harrowed Gunslinger

Sunday, September 23, 2018

Deadlands Reloaded Episode 11: Alexander Smith

Despite a setback at the Louisiana Pacific warehouse, the posse now knows that Alexander Smith is some sort of undead abomination!  Now they just have to find the proof!  Will they manage to pull this off?  Or just blunder through it like usual?

Joining us tonight is:

Dave B as the Marshal
Ed as Eric Gunther, the Texas Ranger,
JJ as Bodaway, the Apache Blessed,
Austin as Quentin Bee, the Rocket Warrior,
Lance as Aritomo Nakimura, the Enlightened Samurai,
Rosemary as Dr. Mikayla Thornfield, the increasingly Mad Scientist,
and Ben as Cain Rose, the Harrowed Gunslinger

Sunday, September 16, 2018

Deadlands Reloaded Episode 10: Railhead

Deadlands is back after a two month hiatus!  With Lynch and most of the other Lawkillers dead, the posse returns to their original mission: Stopping Santa Anna from moving more supplies and men through to Texas.  However, turning clues into hard evidence proves to be quite a challenge.

Joining us tonight is:

Dave B as the Marshal
Ed as Eric Gunther, the Texas Ranger,
JJ as Bodaway, the Apache Blessed,
Austin as Quentin Bee, the Rocket Warrior,
Lance as Aritomo Nakimura, the Enlightened Samurai,
Rosemary as Mikayla Thornfield, the Mad Scientist,
and Ben as Cain Rose, the Harrowed Gunslinger.

Sunday, July 29, 2018

Wrath and Glory: Blessings Unheralded

We try out a demo adventure for the new Wrath and Glory Warhammer 40,000 tabletop rpg published by Ulisses North America and the verdict is good.  The system has a nice flow to it and uses elements from Savage Worlds, Shadowrun, and Star Trek Adventures.  All in all a fun system.

Joining us on this mission is:

Ben as the Game Master,
Sam as Pater Nemoris, Ministorum Priest,
Tony as Battle-Brother Trojun Kull, Tactical Space Marine of the White Scars,
Michael as Battle Sister Henna Orten, Sister of Battle,
Serena as Sergeant Gael Harden, Veteran Imperial Guardsman,
and Jolene as Commissar Victoria Linn, Imperial Commissar.

Sunday, July 1, 2018

Deadlands Reloaded Episode 9: Killin' The Lawkillers

The posse hasn't even spent a full night in the settlement of Railhead and they're already getting into trouble!  Cain finds himself confronted with his archnemesis while Bodaway just wishes everyone would let him get some shuteye!  Joined by a new ally, our heroes gather together for a climatic showdown against the gang of thieves, murderers, and abominations that they've been chasing since Denver, the Lawkillers.

Joining us on this wild adventure into the weird west is:

Dave as the Marshal,
Introducing Austin as Quentin Bee, the Mad Scientist and Rocketman,
JJ as Bodaway, the Apache Blessed,
Ed as Eric Gunther, the Texas Ranger,
Rosemary as Dr. Mikayla Thornfield, the Mad Scientist,
and Ben as Cain Rose, the Harrowed Gunslinger.

Sunday, May 27, 2018

Deadlands Episode 8: Harrowed Be Thy Grave

We return to Deadlands Reloaded.  Much has happened in the months since our last episode and now our posse of heroes return to the city of Lost Angels, weary and wounded.  With two of their companions fallen and lost, what will await the survivors in the soiled jewel of Reverend Grimme's private little empire?

Joining us for this episode are:

Dave as the Marshal,
Ed as Eric Gunther, Texas Ranger,
JJ as Bodaway, an Apache holy man,
Rosemary as Dr. Makayla, mad scientist and medical doctor,
and Ben as Cain Rose, gunslinger and demon hunter