About Us

Just a bunch of gamers based in Southern Oregon with a passion for tabletop RPGs. Come join us on our adventures and antics!

Sunday, September 30, 2018

Deadlands Reloaded Episode 12: Cleaning Up Railhead

Alexander Smith, the vampiric rep of the Bayou Vermillion railroad company is dead!  But the posse's work isn't done in Railhead just yet.  The Lousiana Pacific warehouse still stands, and there's no telling who else is in on the smuggling operations going on.

Joining us tonight for Deadlands is:
Dave B as the Marshal
Ed as Eric Gunther, the Texas Ranger,
JJ as Bodaway, the Apache Blessed,
Austin as Quentin Bee, the Rocket Warrior,
Lance as Aritomo Nakimura, the Enlightened Samurai,
Rosemary as Dr. Mikayla Thornfield, the increasingly Mad Scientist,
and Ben as Cain Rose, the Harrowed Gunslinger

Sunday, September 23, 2018

Deadlands Reloaded Episode 11: Alexander Smith

Despite a setback at the Louisiana Pacific warehouse, the posse now knows that Alexander Smith is some sort of undead abomination!  Now they just have to find the proof!  Will they manage to pull this off?  Or just blunder through it like usual?

Joining us tonight is:

Dave B as the Marshal
Ed as Eric Gunther, the Texas Ranger,
JJ as Bodaway, the Apache Blessed,
Austin as Quentin Bee, the Rocket Warrior,
Lance as Aritomo Nakimura, the Enlightened Samurai,
Rosemary as Dr. Mikayla Thornfield, the increasingly Mad Scientist,
and Ben as Cain Rose, the Harrowed Gunslinger

Sunday, September 16, 2018

Deadlands Reloaded Episode 10: Railhead

Deadlands is back after a two month hiatus!  With Lynch and most of the other Lawkillers dead, the posse returns to their original mission: Stopping Santa Anna from moving more supplies and men through to Texas.  However, turning clues into hard evidence proves to be quite a challenge.

Joining us tonight is:

Dave B as the Marshal
Ed as Eric Gunther, the Texas Ranger,
JJ as Bodaway, the Apache Blessed,
Austin as Quentin Bee, the Rocket Warrior,
Lance as Aritomo Nakimura, the Enlightened Samurai,
Rosemary as Mikayla Thornfield, the Mad Scientist,
and Ben as Cain Rose, the Harrowed Gunslinger.