About Us

Just a bunch of gamers based in Southern Oregon with a passion for tabletop RPGs. Come join us on our adventures and antics!

Sunday, May 27, 2018

Deadlands Episode 8: Harrowed Be Thy Grave

We return to Deadlands Reloaded.  Much has happened in the months since our last episode and now our posse of heroes return to the city of Lost Angels, weary and wounded.  With two of their companions fallen and lost, what will await the survivors in the soiled jewel of Reverend Grimme's private little empire?

Joining us for this episode are:

Dave as the Marshal,
Ed as Eric Gunther, Texas Ranger,
JJ as Bodaway, an Apache holy man,
Rosemary as Dr. Makayla, mad scientist and medical doctor,
and Ben as Cain Rose, gunslinger and demon hunter